Life's messy and we may not have it all together…But God!

Time to go ALL IN

I was doing quiet time this morning and I felt like I heard the LORD say, “It’s time to go ALL IN, put ALL your chips in the center of the table. DOUBLE DOWN on the goodness of God. See how He shows up and He will. He’s not playing this for fun, He’s playing this for keeps. So trust Him because He’s playing for you. You don’t need to know how to play poker or how to beat your opponent, be He does. GO ALL IN! He’s got the winning hand and He’s going to win because He already has. Your opponent (the enemy) is a bluffer and you can loose time and time again if you don’t call his bluff. So go ALL IN! The LORD has the winning hand.”

This seemed a strange reference to me because, if you know me, you know I don’t play poker. Go fish and tonk are the extent of my card game expertise. Sorry Grandma O’Connell – I forgot most of the games we’d play together. Anyway, this isn’t about cards, it’s about your time, talent and abilities. The giftings the LORD has blessed you with. He wants you to go ALL IN and trust that He’s going to use them and you in a MIGHTY and POWERFUL way. He didn’t give you those laurels just to rest on them, He gave them to you to use. Use to bless those around you who need what you have. Use to share the amazing things He’s done with and for you with others who need to hear what you have to say. Use to bless you. Using your giftings is also a blessing to you, so why wouldn’t you want to go ALL IN?

Our poker table has 5 seats around it. Yours, God’s, Jesus’, Holy Spirit’s and your opponent, the opponent to all of humanity, the enemy. The best thing about sitting at this table is the fact that YOU’VE ALREADY WON! Some days it may not feel like it, sometimes even some seasons don’t feel like it, but you have. If you believe that Jesus is your LORD and savior it doesn’t matter what cards you hold, YOU’VE ALREADY WON. God is your dealer, He’s dealt you your talents and abilities to beat your opponent EVERY TIME. Don’t fall for the bluff, the enemy is a keen bluffer, but you have 3 other players at the table actually playing a winning hand on your behalf.

Some of you might be saying you have no chips left to play, your hand is full of low cards and even a joker, well I’m here to tell you – that’s a bluff. Call the enemy on his bluff, you hold ALL the cards and whatever hand your playing with, all low and a joker or a full house, you can’t loose! The enemy holds nothing…that’s the bluff. His cards are blank, so even if you’re down to your last chip, go ALL IN because the chip pile in front of your teammates, the other 3 players is stacked higher than you can see.

Now is the time to GO ALL IN! Let the Trinity players play out this hand for you and you go and use your time, talents and giftings and see how going ALL IN will build you a winning hand every time.

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