Life's messy and we may not have it all together…But God!

Don’t Give Up

Giving Up Is So Easy

Giving up IS so easy!

Throwing in the towel, wanting less discomfort, less pain, less tears.

Giving up IS so easy! Because you just want it to STOP! You want the discomfort, pain, tears to stop.

This season has made me want to give up on SO many things. To STOP the discomfort, pain, tears. Wanting to give up and not work towards the breakthrough. I’m not talking about giving up on my life or my family – I’m talking about giving up on my purpose. What greater joy could the enemy have than for me or us to call it QUITS on our purpose?

Through this season the LORD has been reminding me of the process of pregnancy. I’ve never been pregnant, but I do feel I understand a bit of the process. The JOY of sex – the excitement, desire, connection, passion. Then comes the conception/pregnancy. More joy, anticipation, future desires, dreams.


Then the sickness, emotional struggles, discomfort, pain, tears.


All replaced with comfort, excitement again, less pain, less tears….hope


Back to discomfort, pain, tears, lack of sleep. Then the water breaks! Chaos, confusion, excitement, nerves, fear and even more anticipation, and even more pain.

LABOR- the work of pushing, squeezing, screaming, you’re beyond discomfort you’re in real pain, and loads of tears but you can’t give up. You don’t have the luxury of giving up. You’ve come too far and you can’t turn back now, this baby you’ve carried and cared for is ready to come out.

LIFE/BREAKTHROUGH! YOU BIRTHED SOMETHING! YOU CREATED SOMETHING! You brought into this world something new that only you, your partner(s) and the LORD could bring. You didn’t do it alone, you had a partner(s), you had support, encouragers, shower attenders who blessed you with wisdom and their gifts…and you ALWAYS had the LORD. He was birthing in you a dream and desire to GO FOR IT! Not to give up. He NEVER said it was going to be easy, but He did say it would be worth it and He’d be beside you while you did it.

So DON’T GIVE UP! (I’m speaking to myself here) Don’t let the enemy whisper in your ear they way he did Eve’s and steal your blessing, steal your birth, steal your dream. FAIL! And keep failing, fail and fail again but don’t give up, because that’s easy.

I was listening to a Pastor the other day who reminded me that as the Israelites were being led into Babylonian captivity – which lasted 400 years – the Prophet Jeremiah was reminding them ‘“For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”‘ Jeremiah 29:11

He has a plan for us, He partners with us when we walk through that plan. Whether He put it on our heart or it’s a talent He’s given us, He has a plan and we shouldn’t short circuit that plan because it’s easy to give up. We may never even see the full fruit of that plan, the “baby” we produced as we went through the birthing process, but if we don’t give up it will go beyond us. Think of all the children your grandparents will NEVER see or meet because those 2 people had plans and those plans lasted well on beyond their lives.

GOD has plans for you, for us, for our future.

So don’t give up, its not easy feeling like your a captive in your situation, but GOD has great plans for you and your labor.

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