Life's messy and we may not have it all together…But God!

2020-It’s Not Just a Barbara Walters Show

Happy New Year Everyone!

It’s a new year! Well, for most people, some have already turned the calendar forward. Regardless, here we are in 2020!

2020 has so many meanings. Is it hindsight or is it vision or is it both? For me? BOTH! I can go back over the last decade and see where I had my losses and gains (different blog post coming soon). I can go back over the last decade and see where I moved forward and see where I’ve fallen short. I can also go back over the last decade and see my mistakes and beat myself up for them… I’m choosing NOT to do that. When I look through hindsight, it’s ALWAYS 2020. It may be 2020 vision but it’s not always perfect vision. It’s a skewed version based on feelings and emotions in those moments. I can see all the places where I went wrong and right, I can see the lessons learned from mistakes and where I need to learn and grow. When I use 2020 as a vision, it allows me to cast a clear, clean eye on what’s ahead. It’s seeing without corrective lenses. It allows me to gaze and to be hopeful, I hope.

My vision for 2020 is clear, distant and kind of scary. I didn’t go to work today. I don’t have a job. I am following the LORD’s 2020 vision for my life and trusting He has a vision greater than I can see. I’m trusting Him with His vision for my life. I find His vision scary. I’m praying daily to be able to die daily and raise again with Him. I’m trusting He sees and knows more than I can. I’m trusting 2020 is the start of the decade that brings His vision for my life into clarity and I’m trusting the same for you.

2020 is a new decade that will bring new hindsight and new visions. We are all getting the blessing of new vision, perfect vision. For all the hope, change and excitement (along with the amazing fashion) that came during the Roaring ’20s I pray we have the same hope for this new Revealing ’20s (along with some amazing fashion-PLEASE).

God’s moving in a mighty and powerful way. He has so many visions, dreams, desires and hopes for all of us. He does’t have hindsight, He’s only a visionary. His vision sees further than just our sight. He wants us to join Him on His vision for us all. Let Him guide you when you’re feeling blind, let Him light up your path in the darkness so you can see, let Him take away the pain from hindsight and bring you into the glory that is 2020 vision.


This photo has nothing to do with anything, I just needed some beach.

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