Life's messy and we may not have it all together…But God!

Hot Mess Chick?

So many things come to mind when you hear the words HOT MESS CHICK…

Some get the image of an out-of-control-lipstick-smeared-girl trying to get through the end of the party, others think of any photo from the archives of People of Walmart. Whatever comes to mind, that’s not the image I get…anymore.

HOT MESS CHICK, to me, is based on my muse (above photo). A 4 year old (at the time) little girl I nannied for. She was the youngest of 3 sisters and full of fire, afraid of nothing and confident beyond her years. She was, and still is a spitfire. Why would I call her a HOT MESS CHICK? Because she is! She’s got a mind of her own, wears 2 different socks with multicolored leggings and non-matching shirt, her hair is a complete nest, but you ask her about the Bible, what God has to say or to expand on a Scripture verse, she can preach until she’s told to stop. That to me is a HOT MESS CHICK. Someone who isn’t afraid to be who she was created to be and knows her LORD.

That’s why my blog is HOT MESS CHICK. It’s a place where I hope to “wear” whatever I like, have my hair a complete nest, but know that I am made in the image of the one who made me. I look like God, in all my messiness. We all do, we are ALL made in His image.

Look! We’re living in a society where EVERYTHING ends up online, (I see the irony in this statement) and in a seemingly “clean” sort of way. Everyone has the cleanest white house with the greenest plants and that’s awesome, but is it real life? Maybe for them but not for me. I have a messy house, from time to time. I don’t want to get out of my PJ’s some days and others it’s all I can do to get out of bed. But I’m living my real life and this is what I want this HOT MESS CHICK blog to be about.


Not all posts are going to be all about me, but they will be about things close to my heart, close to what I hear God saying, and close to a series of other things – travel, family, food, people I meet, food, anything really.

Thanks for joining the HMC club – WELCOME!!! I’M GLAD YOU’RE HERE!!!

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